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小升初英语测试题(四)为http://www.nn40.com整理发布,类型为小学六年级英语试卷,本站还有更多关于六年级英语试卷分析大全,小学六年级英语试卷,小学试卷 - 小学英语试卷 - 小学六年级英语试卷的文章。

一、 写出单词的适当形式。(10分)

1 make (现在分词) _________ 2 carries (原形)________ 3 orange(复数)__________ 4 them (主格) __________ 5 sit (现在分词) ________ 6 standing (原形) ______

7 photo (复数) ________ 8 can not (完全形式) _____ 9 say (第三人称单数) ________(三单音标) _______

10 fly (过去式) ______

二、 英汉互译。(10分)

1在超市 ____________ 2 买苹果 ______________

3 help you __________ 4 make birthday card _________

5 fly away____________ 6生日快乐____________

7 fall down_____________ 8拾起来______________

9打扫楼梯__________10举行生日聚会 ____________

三、 选择填空。(5分)

( ) 1 There ________________ a good film in the cinema tonight.

A was B were C is D is going to be

( ) 2 There ____________ some rice and some bread on the table.

A is B is going to be C are going to be D are

( ) 3 Here ___________ two desks in the middle of the classroom.

A are B is C have D has

( ) 4 I want to buy a new coat _____ my mother. And I want to show it ___ her.

5.I want a hamburger. It ___________(look) good.

五、 根据句意及单词首字母提示完成句子。(10分)

1 He is from America. He m________ his motherland.

2 What did you do yesterday evening?I w_______TV with my family.

3.The balloons are f______________ away.

4.What a m____________! Who can help me?

5 He will p____________ up the apples.

6.The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. The students are s__________ now.

7.I can’t carry them all. Look at the eggs.And the apples are f___________ down the stairs.

8.He’s trying to g__________ off the bus.

9.Be c______________! That’s the cake.

10.She’s at the s_____________. She’s buying things for you.


1 can’t , I, them, carry, all


2 help, can, me, who ?


3 making, I’m, birthday, Daming’s, card .


4 going, to, I, have, party, am, a


5 balloons, the, flying, are, away


七. 读下列短文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。(7)

Look!Amy_________(wear) a red dress.She_______(look)very beautiful.But the dress______(be)short.Her mother _______(buy)it for her last year.And she_______(like)it very much.Her mother______(want) _______(buy)her a new one next year.

八.阅读理解。(12分) At the airport

David is flying to Hong Kong to spend his holidays. He goes to the airport. This is a large airport. There are lots of people at the airport. There are twelve aeroplanes there. The blue aeroplane is taking off. The red aeroplane is landing. David can see the pilot. The air hostess (空中小姐) is waiting for the passagers(乘客).

I Read carefully and write “T”for True and “F”for False beside the statements.


( ) 1 David is going to Hong Kong by plane.

( ) 2 The airport is very small.

( ) 3 There are many people at the airport.

( ) 4 The red aeroplane is taking off.

( ) 5 David is one of the passengers.

Answer the questions about the story.


1 What is David going to do?


2 How many aeroplanes are there at the airport?


3 The ______________ is landing.

4 The _______________ is taking off.

5 Who is waiting for the passengers?


6 What can David see?


7 Do you like taking a trip by plane?



假如星期天你和你的朋友在公园里照了许多照片,请你选出一些并谈论一下你们正在干的事情, 用上现在进行时态。字数60左右。


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